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Policing and legal systems

Our research on policing and legal systems aims to enhance justice responses for vulnerable communities, particularly victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and modern slavery. We examine the merits and risks of police body-worn cameras in domestic and family violence incidents, seeking to understand victim-survivor perspectives and experiences. Our work also explores the provision of independent legal representation for rape complainants in adversarial systems, drawing lessons from international contexts. By evaluating family violence training systems and engaging with key stakeholders, including the United Nations Special Rapporteur on violence against women, we strive to inform policy and practice. Our research extends to the experiences of women in the criminal justice system, including the impact of tough bail laws on gender and racial inequality. Through our findings, we advocate for trauma-informed, victim-centered approaches that prioritize the needs and rights of those most affected by violence and injustice.


Criminology Research Council

Trauma-informed responses to sexual assault victims: Protecting sensitive third-party evidence

Criminology Research Council

Police body-worn cameras in response to domestic and family violence: A national study of victim-survivor perspectives and experiences

Victorian Legal Services Board + Commissioner Grants Program

Understanding the Experiences of Women Modern Slavery Survivors in the Victorian Criminal Justice System

Victoria Police

Evaluation of a family violence training system

Berlin Social Science Centre

Varieties Of Reproduction Regimes


Manikis, M & Iliadis, M. (2022). Victim right to review schemes in Australia: Debates and consequences. In S Walklate and P Cox (Eds.), Victims’ access to justice: Historical and Comparative Perspectives, Routledge, Victims’ Culture and Society Series.

Iliadis, M, Harris, B, Vakhitova, Z, Woodlock, D, Flynn, A & Tyson, D (2024, forthcoming), How police body-worn cameras can facilitate misidentification in domestic and family violence responses. Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice.

Iliadis, M, Tyson, D, Harris, B, Flynn, A & Vakhitova, Z (2022). The merits of police body-worn cameras in response to domestic and family violence in Queensland and Western Australia. In A Powell, A Flynn & L Sugiura (Eds.), Handbook of Gendered Violence and Technology, Palgrave McMillan.